This post is written by YoungJ-Baek

1. Preface

This post contains all the useful Markdown usage and documentation rule of V-SLAMMERS’ post.

2. Documentation Rule

2.1. Indexing Rule

Indexing is the first thing for good documentation. There are some rules for the indexing.

  1. The numbering should follow 1. → 1.1. → 1.1.1. format. The number of digits we recommend is under three digits, x.x.x. First digit shows the topic of the chapter. Next, second digit is usually used for the details or sub-context of the topic. Lastly, we recommend to index examples of the topic with the third digit.
  2. It is recommend to start every post with a purpose or goal at the very beginning of the article. It does not have to use the word purpose or goal, but it is good to contain that kinds of thing. For example, background, abstract, and preface are all good examples of the first chapter.

2.2. Reference Rule

Usually, there are many reference source for our project. So, it is very obvious that every post based on our project have many references. They can be open source code from Github, some articles from great blogs, and figures from papers. For the every reference, we should link the originated URL. We can link it with hyperlink, or make the reference chapter at the last chapter.

3. Template

The post starts with author. If you rewrite someone’s post, starts with ~ originated from [Originator], rewritten by [Writer].

This post is written by [Writer](Profile URL)
{: .notice--info}

1. Preface

In this chapter, you can write abstract, goal, purpose, objective, or preface. The name can be different, too. All you need to keep in mind is that reader can understand about the whole post briefly with this chapter.

2. Body


4. Markdown usage


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